On 24th of May Kapana will turn you into an actor.

On 24th of May Kapana will turn you into an actor
Photographer: Koko Stoyanov (People of Plovdiv)

Kapana as a celebration, Kapana as a magic box, Kapana as a shared space- this is the project “Celebration in a Box” created by the students of the National High School for Performing and Screen Arts in Plovdiv as part of the winning project in the third phase of Kapana Creative District open call initiated by Plovdiv 2019 Foundation and dedicated to events and interventions in public spaces.

The Idea comprises the creative power of the students from the specialties “Stage puppet”, “Stage, Cinema and TV design” and “Acting for puppet theatre”. What you will be able to see- nd interesting and non- raditional for Bulgaria street puppet-theatre form, called “amily Theatre”n a box.

The event will take place on the special for Bulgaria 24th May from 11 till 13 h at Kapana. Search the streets for the actors who will guide you to the special boxes with puppets and scenery. There you can watch the play based on popular fairy tales and learn from the very actors how the constructions and the puppets and the costumes are made and what is the technique to lead the puppets. Every visitor-  child or and adult- an participate and become a puppeteer.

“lebration in a Box”will be presented at several locations- o plan and join: 11:00 – :30 h Hristo Dukedzhiev Str. 11:45 – 12:15 h Zlatarska Str. And the 12:30 – :00 h Kurtevich Str.

24th May – me, Learn, experiment, enjoy and why not start a creative activity #together #Plovdiv2019

#Kapana Creative Playground #Admire #Create #Watch #Perform #Talk #Connect #Listen #Play

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