Garo Uzunyan / age: 42, from Plovdiv
Kapana in one word: Fragile explosion
I am owner of three spaces in Kapana. In one of them we bake and sell coffee [Малката Библиотека], in the other we talk about whiskey [СандъкЪ], and the third which we will open in few days is entirely decorated by the local craftsmen [bar CRAFT Kapana]. For me and my team it is important everything we do to be a result of our own work – this is after-all the Creative District we are in. Abadzhiysa Str /Tailors’ street/, where we are placed is a wonderful street with friendly people running different locations and business and yet entirely open for collaboration. For me Kapana is something that should be preserved, and to protect it from over-exposure, it is fragile as the vine fillet. It can become a magnificent vine but is still young and needs care.
The series is part of the exhibition Entrappe/e Влез в Капана.
#Admire #Create #Watch #Perform #Talk #Connect #Listen #Play #CreativeDistrict #Creative #Playground